Monday, November 14, 2011

Pretend to be "Something you Called FRIEND"??

Well,i wanna flashback about a silly story of my "friend".. Sekitar 2 taun lalu,kalo ga salah.. Gue dikenalin sama cowo yg kebetulan sahabat mantan gue.. (waktu itu gue blum jadian sama mantan gue itu sih)
But,cowo ini entah dari mana datangnya,sms gue and ask me to be his "friend".. Awalnya,gue bingung dan agak ga respect coz ga jelas banget ni orang tiba2 nongol ke hidup gue.. But i think,that's not a big mistake if i try to be his "friend".. 
Berawal dari sms,lanjut Facebook,telfon,etc.. But honestly,gue belum pernah ketemu orangnya.. Sepertinya ga ditakdirkan buat ketemu yaah,we try to meet,but all failed.. "Pertemanan" gue sama dia lumayan dekat sampe akhirnya dia coba pedekate sama cewe yang gue tau,tapi ga gue kenal secara deket.. Dia tau cewe itu punya sedikit nilai minus,but he still try to close with her,waktu dia minta advice ke gue,ya gue langsung straight to the point kalo cewe itu not a good choice for him,but he won't hear me.. 
Waktu dia jadian,gue biasa aja.. But i keep try to make an intense "friendship".. Tapi,lama2 gue risih karena cewenya kayanya jealous ama gue,padahal dia tau gue temen satu sekolahnya dan kelasnya pun sebelahan.. Why don't you try to ask me something haa? Gue pun mulai ga respect ama dia lagi,ya seengganya gue udah mencoba untuk jadi "temen" yg baik buat dia selama beberapa bulan,dan akhirnya gue memilih untuk pergi menjauh sebelum gue terlibat dalam urusan mereka yg ga penting buat gue..
Loose contact adalah the best way to getta out of his life...
Thanks for the "friendship" for several months...
"Sesuatu yg datang tiba2 pasti akan pergi dengan cepat dan tiba2 juga.."

Friday, November 11, 2011


It's hard to do,it's hard to say
That i always remember you
Everytime in my whole life
Hardly i said...
I always missing you
In every single day
With every moments that you left
So hard to hate you,
Too hard to forget you...
Really hard to erase you out of my mind...
Cause you left many things for me,
The things that i only found with you...

Full of torment,i write this just for you,my dear  ex...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Korean Day

Bahasa Korea UGM proudly present : Korean Day Ugm
Please coming to our event,all Korean lovers...
Enjoy the euforia... :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Random People

Gue pikir selama ini gue dengan mudah mengenali sifat orang dari kedekatan kita dengan orang tersebut. Well,banyak hal yang harus gue pelajari dari masing2 orang yang gue kenal. Gue sempet shock waktu tau salah satu temen gue bertingkah ga sesuai umurnya. Seharusnya dia bisa bersikap bijak dan dewasa karena umur dia lebih tua dibandingin temen2 lainnya,tapi dia malah ngambek kaya anak kecil yang permennya direbut temennya.What she is thinking about? Gue malu kalo gue jadi dia.. Sumpah!! Ga cuma itu aja,ada lagi yg bikin gue lebih surprised.. Ternyata ada aja orang yg doyan banget nyombong padahal gue sendiri nganggep hal kecil kaya gitu ga perlu di sombongin.. Ngumbar2 hal yg ga penting... That's not cool definitely! I'm not respect about that thing,so annoying! But,honestly.. Gue banyak ngambil pelajaran dari situ.. Ternyata banyak juga temen2 yg gue kenal punya masalah yg really complicated as same as me... Mungkin lebih miris,but i try to keep it for myself.. Suka ngerasa terharu dan ikut sedih kalo denger cerita temen2 yg punya pengalaman buruk dalam hidup mereka.. Well,i feel blessed,karena gue ga ngalamin hal yg separah itu. Gue bisa kuat walaupun gue harus ngelewatin banyak hal yg bikin gue down..
Dibalik sikap gue yg selalu cuek dan keliatan ga peduli,gue ternayata punya hati yg lumayan lembut...
Well guys,life is a problem.. Let we begin to face the problems with all of power and thoughness..

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thanks Friends!

Actually,i'm not a kind of girl who easy to close with some people... I'm introvert,maybe awkward or anything... I try to be nice and closer with my new friends,but that's not easy. Buyt i think,it's more comfortable to be here than when i'm in my own town,Bali... There's a lot of differencies between them... I found anew word in this town,"humble"... I've never been feel like this... Now,it's easy for me to share all of my problems with my new friends and i believe i can trust them... We share our problems and be honest to each other... I like it most,cause i can see what kind of person i am and i can learn something new... I can learn more from another experiences thai never find... Thanks for all.guys... You make my life more brighter and colourful... :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Confession For You

Why should be like this?
The way you come tome
With many stories inside
We ran the days together
Left a lot of memories
When i think loving you is a wonderful thing
Suddenly,i see something in you
That might be broke me up
I try to hide it,i try to avoid it
And now i realize what you look for
Leave behind a big regret for me
You tear my heart so deep
Left the scars of your love,and that's really pain
I try to throw you away from my mind
But it's not easy to do
What can i do to make you go away?
And how to lose your shadow from my life?
After many days left,i can't find the way out... 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Without You...

I never know,i can be like this...
Hurt myself,crying without tears...
Everything i do,remind me of my memories with you...
Even if we have face our life each other,i can forget you at all...
It's too hard,when i can see you again in other way...
See your new life without me...
But,i wanna show you about my new life too...
Now,i have totally different life and i won't stuck because of you...
I will raise up,begin my beautiful life without you and memories of you...